Real Estate Investing Guide: Tenant Move-In Procedure
Whether you’re transitioning a rental property between tenants or you’re bringing in your first ones, you should have a system developed to ensure the move-in procedure goes smoothly. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide that you can use as a checklist when preparing for your first tenant move-in day.
Real Estate Investing Guide: How to Manage Rental Expenses and Income
It is important to build a money management system that will allow you to keep track of your finances and know exactly how much money you’re making or spending at any time of the day. Here are a couple of tips that will help you take your financial management game to the next level!
Real Estate Investing Guide: The Wholesaling Strategy
What many people probably don’t know is that there is more than one way to start investing in real estate. While most are familiar with the traditional buying and reselling real estate cycle, people usually neglect the significance of other investing strategies.
Real Estate Investing Guide: The BRRRR Strategy
BRRRR is one of the most popular real estate investing strategies both for beginners and seasoned real estate investors. This investing method combines active and passive income in a way that allows you to consistently build wealth through real estate investing. Here's what the BRRRR strategy is all about and how you can get started.
Real Estate Investing Guide: The Rent to Own Strategy Explained
The rent to own investing strategy is one of those ways that can help you buy a real estate property even though you’re not financially capable of doing so at the moment. Besides, there are plenty of financial options when investing in real estate, which is something I teach my student through Your First Income Property real estate coaching program.